
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Thalib as

Barangsiapa yang rindu kepada surga, dia akan berpaling dari tuntutan hawa nafsunya.
Barangsiapa yang takut api neraka, dia akan menjauhi hal-hal yang terlarang.
Barangsiapa yang zuhud (tidak rakus) terhadap dunia, dia akan menganggap ringan suatu musibah
Barangsiapa yang bersiap-siap menghadapi kematian, dia akan bersegera melakukan kebaikan


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Blogger for Android

It has been long time since my last post.

I have visited blogger.com for sometime, but only tonight I noticed that the blogger mobile has turned into an application.

Without further thinking, I went to google play & downloaded it ~ Bloogger for Android

So.. This is it! The first post from mobile blogger application.

I like it!

Simple, without losing posting experience as in its web version ..
I even put a picture below showing how it looks like.
And it hare..

Although I am not an active blogger, still this is useful and helpful in our so-called mobile internet era.

Obviously it would be a benefit for an active mobile blogger.

So why waiting..
Download! Enjoy! And Blog!
*sounds like an ad :)*



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