
Imam Ali Ibn Abi Thalib as

Barangsiapa yang rindu kepada surga, dia akan berpaling dari tuntutan hawa nafsunya.
Barangsiapa yang takut api neraka, dia akan menjauhi hal-hal yang terlarang.
Barangsiapa yang zuhud (tidak rakus) terhadap dunia, dia akan menganggap ringan suatu musibah
Barangsiapa yang bersiap-siap menghadapi kematian, dia akan bersegera melakukan kebaikan


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Sybase - Bind tempdb

Sybase - Bind tempdb
  • bind a tempdb to a particular application / program
    sp_tempdb 'bind','AP','','DB','TEMPDB4'
  • bind a tempdb to a particular login name
    sp_tempdb 'bind','LG','','DB','TEMPDB2'

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

UNIX - tar files with pattern

UNIX : tar files with pattern

tar xvf /dev/rmt/0 `tar tf /dev/rmt/0 grep 'pattern'`

tar xvf /dev/rmt/0 `tar tf /dev/rmt/0 grep 'DT.040306.TM.180323'`

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

you're beautiful - james blunt

my life is brilliant.

my life is brilliant.
my love is pure.
i saw an angel.
of that i'm sure.
she smiled at me on the subway.
she was with another man.
but i won't lose no sleep on that,
'cause i've got a plan.

you're beautiful. you're beautiful.
you're beautiful, it's true.
i saw your face in a crowded place,
and i don't know what to do,
'cause i'll never be with you.

yeah, she caught my eye,
as we walked on by.
she could see from my face that i was,
flying high,
and i don't think that i'll see her again,
but we shared a moment that will last till the end.

you're beautiful. you're beautiful.
you're beautiful, it's true.
i saw your face in a crowded place,
and i don't know what to do,
'cause i'll never be with you.

you're beautiful. you're beautiful.
you're beautiful, it's true.
there must be an angel with a smile on her face,
when she thought up that i should be with you.
but it's time to face the truth,
i will never be with you

Disable / Enable MSI


Platform SDK: Windows Installer

If the value of this per-machine system policy is set to "2" the installer is always disabled for all applications. If this policy value is set to "1", the installer is disabled for unmanaged applications but is still enabled for managed applications.

The following table lists the possible configurations.
DisableMSI Description

On Windows Server 2003 family, if the policy value is Null, absent, or any number other than 1 or 2, the Windows Installer is enabled for managed applications. Unmanaged application installs are blocked.
0 Windows Installer is enabled for all applications. All install operations are allowed.
1 The Windows Installer is disabled for unmanaged applications but is still enabled for managed applications. Non-elevated per-user installations are blocked. Per-user elevated and per-machine installs are allowed.
2 Windows Installer is always disabled for all applications. No installs are allowed including repairs, reinstalls, or on-demand installations.

Registry Key

Data Type


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